Make 2010 Your Most Profitable Year Ever
This post was also published on Small Business Trends. If you’re like a lot of small business owners I’ve talked to since we rang in 2010, you probably sympathize with this statement: “Enough with the...
View Article5 Ways Small Businesses Are Saving Money
The recession may be over (at least according to economists) but America’s small businesses are still in cost-cutting mode. In an October 11 article, cites a National Bureau of...
View ArticleHow Small Businesses Are Spending [INFOGRAPHIC]
Since the economy dipped into recession, talk of “tightening the belt” has swept America. We evaluated aggregate data from small businesses using QuickBooks Online via Intuit Trends to get a snapshot...
View Article10 iPad Apps for Small Business Finance
Apple’s latest member to the “i” family, the iPad, is not just another fancy electronic device. It’s turning into a lean, mean piece of hardware capable of turning small businesses into efficient...
View ArticleWhat Small Businesses Are Having the Best 2011? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Now that June has come and gone, we can officially reflect on the first half of 2011. Who’s having a good year and who’s encountering hard times? In this infographic, we look at what small business...
View ArticleCreating a Budget Forecast for 2012
A hiker trekking through the wilderness wouldn’t start his trip without a map and compass. After all, those small tools are a big help in getting to the end of the trail. Yet too often, small-business...
View Article50 Essential iPad Apps for Small Business – 2012 Edition
The Apple iPad is a game-changing device for small-businesses owners who either want to manage operations more effectively on-the-go or use the device to expand and enhance their customer and client...
View Article4 Areas Where Your Business May Be Leaking Cash
As a small-business owner, you probably have a good idea of what your company’s month-to-month expenses are. But have you taken the time to evaluate exactly where your cash is going? Doing so could...
View Article4 Mobile Apps for Managing Your Business Expenses
One of the best things about being a small-business owner is being able to deduct most of your work-related expenses — as long as you remember to keep detailed records of your purchases. Want to lower...
View ArticleIn the Trenches: The Value of Face Time
Working remotely has been great for me and Cranky Concierge. I’m writing this column at my desk at home. As soon as I finish, I can walk into the other room and spend time with my young son. But just...
View ArticleSidestep the ‘Sunk Cost Fallacy’ to Make Better Choices
The “sunk cost” thinking trap snares many unwary entrepreneurs: It springs shut the moment you devote additional resources to a project just because you’ve already invested some. Simply put, a sunk...
View Article5 Ways to Reduce Your Business Expenses Right Now
Bolstering your business’s bottom line can be as much about cutting unnecessary expenses as increasing sales. The problem is identifying which of your current expenses are truly “unnecessary.” Think...
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